March 4, 2008


Remember when I sang “Shoes” to you over the phone so you and your mom could hear it? Remember when we would wait breathlessly for days waiting to get each other’s letters in the mail? Remember when we stayed up until late at night talking to each other? Remember when we went to Disneyworld, and that bird pooped on me? Remember when you called me the night you took DXMs, and I stayed up all night worrying about you? Remember when I called you and walked fifty blocks to Penn Station? Remember when we held hands and walked around all day? Remember when you called and left me a voicemail telling me how you felt? Remember when you sent me a mix CD made especially for me? Remember when we would leave each other long comments about our days, our hopes, our dreams, our fears? Remember when you would call me late at night coming home, and how afraid you were of the spiders making webs around your front door? Remember when I would drunk dial you because you asked me to, and no matter how late at night it was or how drunk and stupid I was acting, you would always pick up? Remember when you would call me on your break, and it would be the first thing I would wake up to in the morning? Remember when I would talk to you while your were painting, and I would rant and rave about how amazing your work was? Remember how you would show me pictures of dresses you wanted from Free People, and how I promised I would buy them for you when you came up here? Remember how I sent you a t-shirt that was a size too small for you, but you ended up wearing it anyway? Remember how when we would drive in your car, and you would hold my hand and smoke with your other hand? Remember when I said I loved you, and you said you loved me too, and we both meant it? Remember when I held you in my arms, and how my heart burst into a million pieces because I had never been truly, really happy until that single moment in my life?

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