September 28, 2007

Music categorization

One of my hobbies (Rather, one of my obsessions) is perfectly labeling and organizing my MP3s, both by filename and ID3 tags. This is probably why I have a (relatively) small collection of MP3s at 3100 songs - I spend more time organizing my songs than I do actually listening to the songs! I should probably go through my MP3 library and delete all of the songs I don't like, but, frankly, that would take too much time. I would rather just spend time rating all of my songs and only playing the songs I have most highly rated.

This are the existential crises that follow me in life.

September 26, 2007

I swear, I'll try to do a better job of keeping this up

Honestly. Every time I start to gain some steam blogging, I sort of peter out and lose interest for various reasons. I'll be damned if I know why or how. Probably from lack of motivation, i.e., not having millions of adoring fans reading every blog post. Perhaps I need advertising. I need to do something to build up a reader base. I like think that this blog is more than just a glorified journal online that anyone can Google.

At least, I pray and hope that this is so. If not, I'll be embarrassed when someone Googles me in 30 years.

That leads to an interesting thought: Will everything we know persist on into the future? Think about it, what are the brands and names and things that have persisted from the past? The media conglomerates, sure, Disney, GE, Viacom, the pharmaceutical giants, Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, Mattel, I guess, GM and Ford (but they're quickly dying), and what else? I really don't know. The Gap was huge in the 90's, but who really thinks, "Wow, the Gap!" anymore? Not many. Apple has been resurgent, historically, anyway, which is cool, but I can't think of many companies beyond what I listed. Which just goes to show, it's impossible to persist in today's world. So the giants of today, who knows how long they'll last?

Anyway, my rules for the day:

Rule #1: If you have a pot belly, and it's hanging out, you should consider getting larger shirt size. I saw a girl who was in fine shape, except for her stomach. A pot belly hanging out from underneath her wife beater. It was horrible.

Rule #2: Don't smoke if it only ends up making you look nerdier than you are. The primary motivation for people my age to smoke is because they look "cool". I saw someone smoking today, and all that I noticed while they were smoking is what a nerd this kid looked like.