November 24, 2006

Under developed

I'm not really sure how I can listen to all of these depressing songs about relationships and whining about life when I really haven't done much of either to qualify as an expert on them. Really, what have I done? I've been in relationships? Um, no, not really. Hell, I haven't even been a victim of a fuck and run. My experience with relationships lies within televised dramas and movie scripts. My knowledge of people and love and life has been taught to me through 15 and 32 inch screens 20 minutes at a time. I really don't know anything about life or love.

Which is pathetic, really. It's yet another area in which my life, my growth, is severely stunted. How can I possibly expect to exist in this world if I'm 5 years behind everybody else? I'm just learning how to flirt and be comfortable in my own skin, something most people learn by the time they're 15. I'm sitting here in awe of abilities most people don't give second thought to. It's tragically debilitating. I'm not sure how to handle it, or how to react to it. Hell, even putting pen to paper stuns me. I can barely comprehend the gibberish I'm putting forth at this moment.

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